
The Danish Microbiology Database (MiBa) is a country-wide, automatically updated database of microbiological test results.

MiBa was established in 2010 to optimise microbiological diagnostics, infection treatment, control and prevention by ensuring efficient access to relevant information for healthcare staff, enhancing the surveillance of infectious diseases, and contributing to research and quality projects employing MiBa data.

MiBa logo

The country’s physicians and other relevant healthcare professionals have access to their patients’ test results in MiBa regardless of where in the country samples are taken. The country-wide overview that MiBa provides strengthens diagnostics and is essential when patients are transferred between departments, specialty areas, or regions.

Furthermore, all citizens have access to their own test results through citizen-tailored online and mobile solutions.

The primary purpose of MiBa

  • Patient treatment: Overview and rdisplay of results
    MiBa is integrated into the electronic patient journal (EPJ) of the regions, the IT systems of laboratories, Sundhedsjournalen, provided on Sundhed.dk and the mobile solution MinSundhed.
  • Infection control: MiBAlert – an automatically updated alarm function in regional EPJs
    MiBAlert shows the healthcare professionals whether the patient has been infected by certain microorganisms, e.g., resistant bacteria, and therefore requires specialised treatment and isolation upon admission.
  • Surveillance: Lays the foundation for the national surveillance of infectious diseases, including surveillance of antimicrobial resistance
    Automation of MiBa-based surveillance will gradually expand in the coming years. COVID-19 surveillance and the Healthcare-associated Infections Database (HAIBA) are examples of surveillance systems based on MiBa data.
  • National IT projects:
    MiBa provides real-time-data to several national IT services and projects. MiBa provides the data for citizen-tailored solutions, e.g., notification of citizens when their test results are available in MinSundhed app.