Use of HAIBA
Since its launch in 2015, HAIBA has been used in different ways and integrated into various systems and processes. There are still further goals for its use and this description outlines how HAIBA is used in the Danish regions.
All Danish regions have HAIBA data integrated into their management systems, and many regions also report HAIBA numbers on their intranet pages. These data are presented in monthly reports for infection-control units and hospital management and are used at planning meetings between clinicians.
Some regions have opted to report data in the form of statistical process control (SPC) graphs and find this useful as a starting point for the dialogue between infection-control units and clinicians with the aim of defining preventive efforts.
The Capital Region of Denmark
Aggregated data from HAIBA are included in ongoing regional and local surveillance in the Capital Region of Denmark. Infection data are compiled monthly using SPC, and published together with data on antibiotics use and resistant bacteria on the webpage of the region and in an interactive web-app.
The North Denmark Region
In the North Denmark Region, HAIBA data are reported in a regional management information system. Data are presented in tables and graphically with trend-lines, medians, and number of infections for bacteraemia, C. difficile infections, and urinary tract infections. The display allows filtering by period, week/month and internal organisation. The North Denmark Region is working on developing the system so that trend of infections may be presented according to the principles of SPC.
Region Zealand
In Region Zealand, data from HAIBA are processed monthly using SPC in Departments of Clinical Microbiology. Hospital level data are presented with graphs and trend lines for the past 24 months. The graphs are distributed to hospital managements and made available on the regional intranet. HAIBA data are used, e.g., for education on infection control and use of antibiotics. HAIBA data are also reported in the regional management information system (InfoSjælland/TargIT).
The Region of Southern Denmark
Some hospitals in the Region of Southern Denmark develop their own SPC diagrams based on HAIBA data. The region is working on developing diagrams for all their hospitals and deploying these on a shared regional platform for use during planning meetings and in relation to general efforts to improve infection control by hospital units.
The Central Denmark Region
HAIBA data are available for all employees in the Central Denmark Region via the regional business intelligence portal (BI portal). The BI portal also contains supplementary regional data. To take an example, Hospitalsenheden Vest has used HAIBA data since January 2017 when conducting annual infection control inspections at all wards. Data are mainly reported to discuss potential improvements. Infection rates are compared to those of the past two years and national, regional and hospital unit/section levels by use of colour coding that matches the ”national quality goals”. At the department level, the greatest emphasis is on the development and comparison of risk factor data such as departmental use of urinary, peripheral and central catheters. HAIBA data are available on the departmental intranet website along with direct links to their own data.